"I don't understand." He shook is head and grimaced. "I thought maybe that new graphite fishing rod that I bought you for your birthday was your most prized possession."
"Not hardly. You know how I feel about fishing."
"What? You love it."
"Uh, no. "You love it." I wiggled my eyebrows at him. "And I love you."
"You don't love fishing? I thought you did."
"Actually, I love getting you alone outside somewhere." I wound my hand around his neck. "Preferably somewhere no one can hear or see us. You know the kind of place I mean."
"But we don't get a lot of fishing done then."
"Yeah, right. Like I said, that's why I love to go fishing with you."
To find out what Jeff's most prized possession is, go to Elin's blog. To buy a copy of the book, go to one of these online bookstores:
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